What happens when you combine all three Tajfun equipment categories? - Rock Creek Ranch On a hot day in July, Tajfun visited Rock Creek Ranch (RCR) near Moscow Idaho to help get some new equipment setup, answer questions and put in a little work with the fellas. The...
Introducing "The Log Father" - Master of Firewood and YouTube Sensation Where we're thrilled to introduce a true connoisseur of firewood, "The Log Father." This expert in all thing’s timber has revolutionized the way we think about firewood processing with his...
Thoughts and Observations on equipment selection for Low Impact Logging by Ryan Willock
Thoughts and Observations on equipment selection for Low Impact Logging by Ryan Willock I am going to start off where we left off last time, talking about equipment. I prefer to call the European style of logging that my wife and I practice Low Impact...
Five Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Logging by Ryan Willock
Five Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Logging by Ryan Willock I was recently asked by Frank Bastardi, head of Tajfun USA, what some things I wished I had known when I started logging almost twenty-five years ago. After all these years, I’ve had to stop and reflect...